Guelph-Humber dominates at the national games
The Kin Games ran from March 18 to 20th and The Guelph-Humber team took the first place title in sitting volleyball, and third in dodge ball, and were also second overall in athletics.
The Kin Games are an annual tournament that tests skills in academia, athletics, school spirit and dance. The Kin Games started in 2001 and they are hosted by different universities across Canada. This year Guelph-Humber competed against 32 schools across the country at McGill University.
Steph Gannon and Liz Hill were rookies for this year’s competition. They both competed in touch rugby, dodge ball and dance.
Prior to the games they both expressed their goals and what they want to achieve. Gannon said she wanted to reach out and make as many connections as possible. She also added, “try and do the best that we can, and not mess up the dance.”
Liz Hill said, “it’s going to be interesting this year to see how it all is and see what everyone talks about.”
Like Gannon, Hill is new to the games but she says there is something for everyone, “if you’re not into sports there’s academics, if you’re not into dancing you can do a sport, there’s everything you can do.”
Hill’s biggest feat of the games is learning a new sport, “I just learned how to play Rugby so that’s pretty difficult, and hopefully I can get my head around it by then,” she said.
Gannon said that the accomplishment was big because this was the first time they have placed in all of the years.
“At the end of the day Kin Games isn’t really about the competition, it’s about going and making friends and connections,” said Rachel Albers, a returning member of the Kin Games. Albers competes in both academics and athletics.
Rachel Albers competed in last year’s event.
“We had fun, we were pretty much middle of the pact, we weren’t at the bottom but we weren’t All-stars,” Albers said,
One of her favourite parts about that games is that, “no one judges you, you’re able to have fun and let loose. There’s just so many good vibes,” she said.
“You’re never get an experience like this, you’ll never get the chance to be in room with 900 people who are just like you, who love kinesiology and who love their schools, and are there to have fun and free time, it’s an amazing experience,” Albers said.