
Published on December 2, 2015 | by Sabrina Machado     Photography by Sabrina Machado


Holiday fever hits Woodbine Shopping Centre

Woodbine Centre has a brand new interactive game to go along with their Santa Claus pictures. The game is called Santa’s Interactive Village and can be found on the Woodbine Centre website.

It features different games within the village that children can play such as naming Santa’s reindeer and an Internet Café with two separate games.

The game features the Elf Academy, which is where children can keep track of whether they are being naughty or nice for when Santa comes to town.

“It’s a great opportunity for my younger children to get involved even more with the Santa Claus tradition,” said Susan Johnson, who is the mother of three children.

Johnson also said that two of her children have played on the game and they gave her good reviews. Their personal favourites were the Reindeer Barn where they tested their knowledge of Santa’s reindeers’ names and Mrs.Claus’ Kitchen where they had the opportunity to decorate gingerbread cookies.

The game has a section to upload a photo and make an e-card to send to anyone who has an email address.

Woodbine Centre is home to over 120 stores with some being chain stores and many being locally owned.

The mall is also home to Fantasy Fair, an indoor children’s theme park that also partakes in hosting the Toy Mountain toy drive in December.

Toy Mountain is a charity that sets up large donation bins at different locations across the Greater Toronto Area during the holiday season. They aim to collect new and unwrapped toys to give to less fortunate children this Christmas season.

The donation box at the Woodbine Centre stays put in the mall throughout December and then the toys go out to the children that need them.

“It’s a great initiative that gives children who aren’t as lucky as many other children the opportunity to have a nice Christmas too,” said Nancy Ciampa, who is a mother of two children. Ciampa also tries to donate toys through her workplace to go out to the less fortunate children.

To join in on the holiday fun, take a trip to the Woodbine Centre to donate a toy for the Toy Mountain, visit Santa Claus and play the interactive game online afterwards.

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About the Author

is an avid concert goer who also loves watching hockey. (Go Pittsburgh Penguins!) She hopes to one day be the female version of Ryan Seacrest.

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