
Published on February 25, 2014 | by Laura Breiter     Photography by Laura Breiter


Parking lot cram at Guelph-Humber

The lack of parking spaces at Guelph-Humber University is driving students crazy.

“I’m sorry the parking lot is full.  Please head over to the Queen’s Plate lot.” These are the dreaded words from security guards that third-year Guelph-Humber student Michael Carey and many other students hate to hear.

Carey, who has a school parking permit said, “It’s really frustrating commuting all the way here and thinking you’ll be early for a class and then hearing that you have to go to Queen’s Plate. I’ve been 20 minutes late for class a few times.”

Students without passes are getting into the main parking gate with excuses like, “I’m dropping off an assignment” or “I’m picking someone up,” before taking a permit-only parking space.

“It really upsets me. I pay almost 600 bucks to park here and some days even I can’t find a spot. There’s something wrong here,” said Carey.

But Karandeep Devgan, who works for security at one of the parking gates said that they can’t question everyone, “You can’t give everyone who comes through that gate a hard time. How can you break up the people who are lying, with the people who actually need to hand in an assignment?”

Rob Kilfoyle, the head of public safety at Humber College said, “We do try to keep some spaces available but I don’t believe that’s an official policy.”

For students who choose a pay-as-you-go-parking method, Kilfoyle suggests planning ahead on those busy days.

“Plan trips earlier. I know it’s easier said than done but it’s generally known that the parking lots fill up quite early and so coming that late in the day your chances of finding a place on campus are slim. It may be best to go directly to the Queen’s Plate lot.”

Kilfoyle understands the dilemma for students and the overly crammed parking lot situation. He said the school just purchased a new lot with more space for students to park.

“We just acquired a parking lot over at Woodbine, we call it Woodbine and Downs. It’s near Highway 27 and Carrier Drive. Again, not very close but it’s another opportunity for students who want to come to the North campus,” he said.

“We are also working with our transit partners to try to improve and increase transit options to the campus so it’s kind of a multipronged approach,” Kilfoyle added.

This additional parking lot still requires a shuttle bus to and from the campus, which leaves students unhappy with the situation.

Carey said, “I would like to see more parking spaces added to the campus so we don’t have to rely on an open parking lot or a shuttle bus to get us to class on time.”

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About the Author

is a third year journalism student at Guelph-Humber. After she graduates she plans on pursuing a career in magazine writing.

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