Guelph-Humber News A male runner is splashed with pink and yellow colour as he participates in the Colours of Hope run

Published on October 28, 2013 | by Samantha Knight     Photography by Angela Lau


Colours of Hope brightens Humber campus

A sea of white turned into a rainbow of colour at the first ever Canadian Cancer Society Colours of Hope 5K run.

The family-friendly, non-competitive 5k run/walk attracted almost 600 participants who had a two-in-one opportunity to get blasted with colour while supporting cancer research.

A female runner covered in blue colour participates in the Colours of Hope runParticipants were coloured the second they left the start line, by Canadian Cancer Society staff who used fire extinguishers to blast the colour at them. Volunteers along the course, about a kilometre apart, threw more coloured powder at the participants as they passed by. The nontoxic, washable coloured powder covered participants from head to toe and offered an added attraction to the 5k run/walk. Anticipation and excitement filled the air.

The Toronto location chosen for the run was the Humber’s north campus. The manager of Relay for Life, Becky Mitts was extremely happy with the choice, calling it “the perfect location.”

“Humber North was chosen because we love Humber. We have some Humber graduates, including myself, who now work for the society,” she said. “It’s a beautiful location, and it’s so accessible by car and transit, so it’s great for people across the GTA to get to,” Mitts said.

The two-hour event focused on celebrating those who have survived cancer and those who will survive cancer because of the research progress being made. “We’re just really excited to be out here and to celebrate life,” Mitts said.

Everyone who took part in the run enjoyed music, dancing and entertainment by a live DJ, as well as a warm up before the start of the run at 10 a.m. Along with remembering loved ones and supporting an important cause, the colour aspect made the experience all the more special for participants.

“My mother unfortunately passed away from cancer when she was 44 years old and this is the first organized run I’ll be doing and I just wanted it to be monumental,” said Blair Beveridge, who was accompanied by his wife and sister.

Heather Owens, who lost her mom to cancer last summer, attended the run with her supportive friends. “I’m excited for the colour part, that’s why we’re all in our white. We’re excited to have a little fun while remembering my mom,” Owens said.

After the run, there was a yoga warm down, water and energy bars for runners to refuel. Participants also had the opportunity to purchase colour packets and unleash them in a huge colour party.

Runners in the Colours of Hope run dodge green paintRunners seemed to thoroughly enjoy the Colours of Hope 5K run and while catching their breath they shared their experiences. Morgyn McKerlie enjoyed the “fun and anticipation of coming to a new colour” packet being thrown at her during the race. She used the Colours of Hope run to give back, but in a fun way. Twelve-year-old Jack Forsythe said, “I really liked the colour! I tried to dodge it and put my head down, but I’m still covered!”

The volunteers were as equally enthusiastic about the event. Mae McGlynn said, “My favourite part about being a volunteer was seeing all the runners get coloured and just knowing that it was for a good cause.” Another volunteer, Sloane Kowal, described the run as a “fun and helpful way to get volunteer hours, while raising awareness and excitement about the Cancer Society.”

All proceeds of Colours of Hope went towards the Canadian Cancer Society. The fundraising goal for the Toronto location was $50,000, which was successfully met.

Along with the Toronto location of this special run, the Canadian Cancer Society is very excited that the Colours of Hope 5K will be happening in six other locations across Ontario this fall.

This newest addition to the fundraising events organized by the Canadian Cancer Society indeed pays tribute to its 75th anniversary this year.


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About the Author

is a fourth-year Media Studies student at the University of Guelph-Humber, specializing in journalism. Writing has been her passion since she was young; in her third year, she was the Psychology beat reporter for her Specialized Reporting class and currently she writes for Snapd North and South Mississauga. She has written news stories, business profiles and restaurant reviews. Samantha enjoys interviewing and getting to know people and their stories.

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